Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The butler has learned to dodge a flying beer bottle

the hard way.

He is presently at the doctor's office getting six stitches.

Piccolo will pay the bill by installing a new sink at the good doctor's house.

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It won't move, Sir?...

I'll get you a bigger hammer immediately!
There are three fish inthe sink, Sir. Which ones are we going to eat and which one gets tied to that MacAdams chap's muffler?
I sense a boat trip is in the offing, Sir... Commercial fishing?...No, Sir, I do not want to go commercial fishing...Two hundred dollars a day, Sir? I'm your man.
Sir, How do I fill out the proper tax forms on this?...I don't?... Cash?...Very good, Sir.

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations

Monday, February 15, 2010

A haircut, Sir?

You are going to pay someone to cut your hair? Outstanding!
The barman at the Ship's Wheel told me to tell you that Mac Adams paid your tab...Yes, I know you won quite a bit playing dice with him the other night.
It was most generous of that contractor to give you an entire sheet of plywood to mend the bed of the pickup, Sir...Oh. I guess I overestimated his generosity. Mum's the word.

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The butler is presently

on vacation.

Lord, he need it!

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations

Friday, February 12, 2010

today we leave the butler

watching Piccolo being chased by two creditors and an angry boyfriend.

"Good God, if he makes it to the pickup, he just might get away!"

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The day off?

Thank you, Sir.

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sir, It has been quite a peaceful day.

Have you been feeling ill?
A train crash, Sir?...Oh, I see. It's a figure of speech.
Who, Sir? Ah,yes. I will make sure he gets taken care of. A bottle of that inexpensive vodka he likes should suffice nicely.

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Good shooting, Sir.

tonight we will eat like kings.
This hooch the native chap made us may not be Glenlivet 12, Sir, but I am growing quite used to it. I believe he used more raisins in this batch.
Sneaking in the back window at Miss Carey's tonight, Sir?
The attendent at the sanitary landfill was asking about you today, Sir, as was one of the city councilmen....Yes. I'll take care of the attendant forst, as he is FAR more important to us than a city councilman.

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations

Monday, February 8, 2010


And run they did!

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations

Sunday, February 7, 2010

No, Sir. I did not waste any money on

food. Just the beer you specifically ordered.

He what? Oh, Sir! Woe shall be unto him!
Sir, when I was shopping through the rubbish tins this morning I found something I thought might be useful...Thank you,Sir. I certainly try.
A Three Stooges marathon? I shall watch the entire thing carefully, Sir, as it seems to be a universal thread of communication among American men.
Sir, you do have a certain way. I am quite sure that if the Queen knew you as well as I do you would never have to fear prison. She would have a special cell in the Tower of London reserved especially for you.

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The dishwasher has arrived, Sir. What kind of

mongrel mixture do you think he is?
Sir, that case on ammunition has a thousand rounds in it...Oh, it ought to see us through the winter.
Ahh! Halibut! Most excellent, Sir. I do not know how you manage, but we seem to eat somewhat better than those that are far more comfortable than us.
I can tell you what this is not, Sir. It's not the Glenlivet 12 year old single malt.
Sir, the barman at the Ship's Wheel told me that a Louise is looking for you to take care of an electrical problem. The barman told me she's a good cook, so I won't
prepare dinner this evening.

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations

Friday, February 5, 2010

A barrel for burning trash, Sir? a very good idea...

Air holes?... Yes, Sir. And how much ammunition should I bring?
Sir, That constable you seem to know told me to thank you for something he would not say, He said you would know what he was talking about...
At the Willoughby School for Butlering, they never told us that taking care of a client's household would include breaking a chair over someone's head.
I like it, Sir.
Since I arrived here, I have had to learn frontier social graces. It's very informal here, Sir, but by anybody's standards, that man is rude...The Piccolo Finishing School of Manners?...Never heard of it...The cudgel?
Ahh, It's bath day! Delightful!

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It probably is a good idea to take the train, Sir,

as the pickup is quite likely to have problems.I went past the rail ayrd and there were a number of empty boxcars, so accomodations should be no problem.
We JUMP, Sir?...Oh, dear!
A Russian ship has pulled into port, Sir...You know about that already? The political officer?... You put what in his drink?...Sir, How about tattooing the the Stars and Stripes AND the Union Jack on him?
Outer Mongolia, Sir? How far is that from the Lefty Davis cabin out on Cape Chitka?
I don't think this is one of your better ideas, Sir.

Sir, I have done the best I can to remain civilized in this God forsaken place.On the other hand, I must confess to the immense satisfaction I received upon punching that little savage in the mouth.
Good morning, Sir. I see you're covered with glitter and smell like inexpensive perfume. Perhaps you require the services of Jim Beam to compliment your morning coffee.

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It has occurred to me, Sir that your day to day

life as compared to someone a bit more comfortable run in a certain parallel. One could say the biggest difference is the number of zeroes on the end of your annual income.
I stand corrected, Sir. A hammer WAS in fact, the proper tool for the job.
A fish fry, Sir? Sounds like a suitable way of getting people to bring beer.
That Ralph chap, Sir. The one in the wheelchair. I notice a lot of the chaps help him in and out...Vietnam?...I see, Sir. Most excellent. I will make it a point to keep and eye on him and help out.
Sir, the barman at the Ship's Wheel says that they're saving their aluminum cans for you as payment for services rendered...Yes, Sir. I understand scrap metal is up. You should make a killing, as the fleet is in and the fishermen seem to have done quite well.
She's quite attractive, Sir. Looks like you will not require the services of a six pack if you get her to go home with you.
That's one way of putting it, Sir.

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sir, You don't habitually carry a gun.

Why did that woman at the gentleman's club ask you if you had a pistol in your pocket?....Oh.
It interests me,Sir, to find out if your lifestyle will keep you younger than your years or age you ahead of your time.
Outstanding, Sir! You fixed the window on the pickup. Now I won't have to tape the plastic sheeting on every time it blows off.
Bowling balls, Sir?...Free?...I fail to see what you would possibly want with the bowling lanes castoffs...I suppose a truckload of free bowling balls is nice to have...From an airplane? Oh, dear!

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations

Monday, February 1, 2010

You what?

Well, it's certainly a good thing you didn't get caught,Sir.

Yes, he did turn water into wine, Sir. That would certainly be an interesting skill to have here, now, wouldn't it?
Yes, you! I was certainly not addressing some cartoon character, Sir.
Not now, Sir. As you say, they get more generous after dark.
Sir, I found a short length of ladder at the sanitary landfill and I have taken the liberty of hiding it behind Miss Cheryl's shrubbery. Frankly, I'm getting tired of having you stand on my shoulders to climb in her rear window.

The barman at the Ship's Wheel mentioned that he considered you one of his favorites, Sir.He said you always had enough money for beer, but none for cocaine.
Having watched the crewmen of Sandy May the other night, I'd have to agree with him.
Well, Sir, Our financial tables may be in for an upsurge,as that native chap you buy a beer for occasionally told me to inform you that scrap metal prices are on the rise.

My other blog is Piccolo's Hash.
Day to day observations